It’s OK to not take photos on vacation

Over the years of being a hobbyist photographer, I brought my camera everywhere with me, especially on vacation. Getting new images was exciting, and I was always wanting to build my stock library. As I made the leap to being a freelance photographer and focusing all of my efforts on my business, a funny thing happened: I stopped taking photos while on vacation.

Now, when I say the word vacation, I don’t mean new, exotic places around the globe. I’m referring to the places closer to home — camping trips, family gatherings, annual stays in nearby towns, etc. More and more I found myself packing all of my photo gear and then not touching it while I was on days off.

Sara Kempner

Sara Kempner is a freelance photographer based on Vancouver Island. She specializes in outdoor photography, from sport, recreation and events, to fine art landscape and nature imagery.


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